The Story of Everyman or One Man? - Genesis 1:26-28
God's image and gender
New Testament Overview 6: Mark - The Servant King
New Testament Overview 5 - Matthew: The Promised King
Introduction to the Trinity
New Testament Overview: Class 4 - The Gospels
New Testament Overview: Class 3 - Hebrews, the Bridge to the NT
Stories from the abortion clinic
New Testament Overview 2 - Composition of the New Testament
Image of God and Abortion
Reflecting the Glory of God in Relationship to Creation (Gen 1:26)
New testament overview 1 - Introduction
Church History 13 - The History of Foothill Christian Fellowship
Church History 12 - The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
The Revelation of the Creator, Creation, and Light (Gen 1:1–2)
Church History 11 - Wide Awake in (Colonial) America - Matthew 5:14
Beginning Beginnings - Introduction to Genesis
· Theme of Bible: The Glory of God in the Reign of God
· Main Character: God
· Knowing what the Bible is about helps us ask the right questions.
§ What does this passage say about the glory of God in the reign of God?
· Not what is says about me
· Purpose of Bible: To reveal God as Creator and Redeemer, tell of his work, and transform your life for him
· Theme of Genesis: God begins
· Purpose of Genesis: To reveal God as Creator and Redeemer who begins the history of the universe, while chronicling the beginnings of the universe, the human race, sin and depravity, tribes and languages, the patriarchs, the nation of Israel, and YHWH’s promise of blessing and redemption.
§ Four Ways to Apply Scripture:
· Worship God
· Learn about God’s character, theology, truth
· Moral Application (this is about you being about him)
· Worldview