Recommended Resources
Wretched Radio (
This will be your favorite resource here! Essential podcast and TV show, great overall program addressing issues in evangelicalism
Witness Wednesday program dedicated to helping Christians to be better witnesses by listening to witness encounters
Are You a Rotten Fish? Check this out if you are wondering if you’re truly a Christian or not
What Time is Purple? Great for new Christians and the skeptic in your life
The Biggest Question - One of the best gospel videos to share with others
Rick Thomas (
Excellent counseling resource, just type in the search whatever issue you may have questions about or be struggling with (ex. depression, stress, suicide, fear, etc.)
Tim Challies (
Before you buy a book or are curious about a book, Challies practices careful biblical discernment and writes helpful book reviews. Also his blog is worth keeping up with.
The Briefing – Albert Mohler (
Christian worldview analysis of current events, essential podcast, great to listen to with parents
Living Waters (
Great resource for evangelism in general, excellent tracts, and witnessing videos
Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (
Great overall apologetic research ministry, responses for just about anything you can think of